Plugable Power Bluetooth Controlled AC Power Switch

The Plugable Power remote controlled AC switch is a little quirky but generally useful device. We have been using it for about a month, mostly to turn a lamp on and off which has been relocated out of the reach of small children. For this purpose, it is a mixed bag. The control only connects with the app on one device, so I have access to the light switch but my husband does not. If I am not home and have left the light off, he cannot turn the lamp on without moving furniture to access the plug and controller.


The other downside is that the app on my iPhone asks me incessantly to approve communication with the control. I would expect this upon entering proximity to the control, but it asks me when I’m sitting right next to the control. A lot. It also requests permission to connect when I go up or down stairs in my house or changing rooms. I would assume that meant I was going in and out of range, except that I can use the app to turn off the light from the basement (a floor away). That is, of course, useful when my husband needs me to turn the lamp off or on, since he can’t control it on his own.


I have also had to reset the app and control several times. While we have enjoyed using this product and the pros have thus far outweighed the cons, I don’t know that I could recommend this product, given these frustrating qualities. Our similar device from another company has had fewer issues and is more reliable. However, it does function well enough to continue to use it for now.

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Anna Cumbow
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Anna Cumbow

Anna is a reviewer, writer, and website builder. She is also a full time parent and teacher, and shares her knowledge of useful products in the hopes that it may be helpful to others. That, and it's just fun to try out cool stuff with her kids and husband, Matt. If you find her thoughts helpful, feel free to follow her other work at And